Yellow Pencil / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Yellow Pencil / Entertainment / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Yellow Pencil / Animation / Bloody Good Period - Typically
Yellow Pencil / Press / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Graphite Pencil / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Graphite Pencil / Animation / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Graphite Pencil / Entertainment / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Graphite Pencil / Art Direction / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Wood Pencil / Art Direction / Bloody Good Period - Typically
Wood Pencil / Art Direction / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Wood Pencil / Art Direction / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Wood Pencil / Press / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Wood Pencil / Press / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Wood Pencil / Press / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Wood Pencil / Direction / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Wood Pencil / Sound Design & Music / IKEA - Silence The Critics

Cannes Lions:
Silver / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Silver / Film Craft / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Silver / Film Craft / Schwartz - The Sound Of Taste
Bronze / Outdoor / Duracell - Toys Should Live Forever
Bronze / Entertainment / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Bronze / Film Craft / RSPCA - Respect
Shortlist / Print / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Shortlist / Print / SCOPE - The A to Z of sex
Shortlist / Animation / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Shortlist / Writing / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Shortlist / Social / Guinness - Foot Pints

British Arrows:
Gold / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Craft / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Shortlist / Craft / Bloody Good Period - Typically
Shortlist / Craft / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Shortlist / Craft / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Shortlist / Craft / Boots No7 - The Fencer
Shortlist / Film / Beverages / Guinness - Foot Pints
Shortlist / Film / Social Media / Guinness - Foot Pints

The One Club:
Silver / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Bronze / Craft / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Bronze / Animation / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Shortlist / Sound / One Show / IKEA - Silence The Critics

The Andys:
Gold / Idea / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Craft / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Pop Choice / Finalist / IKEA - Silence The Critics

Grand Prix / Music / RSPCA - Respect
Silver / Social / Guinness - Foot Pints

Creative Circle:
Gold / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Silver / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Silver / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Silver / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Silver / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Bronze / Duracell - Toys Should Live Forever

Campaign Big Awards:
Gold / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Poster / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Gold / Poster / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Silver / Poster / Duracell - Toys Should Live Forever
Silver / Poster / Duracell - Toys Should Live Forever
Bronze / Poster / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Bronze / Poster / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Bronze / Poster / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Shortlist / Creative Repositioning / RSPCA - Respect

Ciclope Awards:
Gold / VFX / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Production Design / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Silver / Original Music / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Bronze / 90 Second Film / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Bronze / VFX / RSPCA - Respect

The A-list:
Bronze / Film / Vodafone - The Wait
Bronze / Film / Vodafone - The Wait
Bronze / Direction / Vodafone - The Wait

Kinsale Shark:
Gold / Film Craft / Visual Effects / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Gold / Film Craft / Character Animation / IKEA - Silence The Critics
Silver / Film Craft / Animation / IKEA - Silence The Critics

Silver / Print / Sunday Times - The Changing Face Of Wealth
Bronze / Film Craft / Schwartz - The Sound Of Taste
Shortlist / Film / Schwartz - The Sound Of Taste

Drum Awards:
Gold / Music / RSPCA - Respect
Gold / Charity / RSPCA - Respect
Gold / Long Form TV / RSPCA - Respect
Bronze / Creative Transformation / RSPCA - Respect

Sports Industry Awards:
Winner / PR / Adidas - It's Blue. What Else Matters
Shortlist / Branding / Adidas - It's Blue. What Else Matters

Facebook Awards:
Winner / Baileys - When Coffee Met Baileys

Ad-Age Awards:
Gold / IKEA - Silence The Critics

Shots Award:
Shortlist / Casting / Whatsapp - For the Fireworks Within

LBB Immortal Awards:
Finalist / IKEA - Silence The Critics

Music Week Awards:
Winner / Sync of the year / IKEA - Silence The Critics

The British Animation Awards:
Winner / Social Good / Bloody Good Period - Typically